It had been a while since I cooked Korean dishes so when I checked on the chili paste I bought before, the expiration date is coming near. I'm going to waste another ingredient because I'm too lazy to cook. =S So I thought I'll give it a go, thank God for long weekends! ^^
When I looked at the dishes I posted here, I didn't find any entry for ddeokbokki but I'm pretty sure I had cooked that before. So I cooked it again today to get a picture and be able to post it here, keke. =P
Ddeokbokki is one if the most popular street foods in Korea. It's very spicy which is why it's not a favorite in our house. My family don't like spicy foods. =( I think Koreans like it because it's cold in their country and the spiciness can help keep them warm. I remember when we went on a vacation to Korea before, my brother got all sweaty in the middle if winter while eating ddeokbokki, LOL! =P